
7 Ways To Explore New Opportunities And Attract More Opportunities 26 Sep

7 Ways To Explore New Opportunities And Attract More Opportunities

More than ever, now is the time to explore new possibilities. This year has seen us all dealing with an unprecedented world Covid-19 pandemic that has changed our lives and world.

I have seen people loose their jobs, homes and even their lives. So while you still can, you need to pop off the couch and find ways to attract new opportunities and make life more interesting.

If you wish to thread this path then there are certain good habits that you can fall into and make part of your daily routine.

1. Let people know you are out there: You can’t attract new opportunities your way if those opportunities don’t know you exist. You need to get yourself  out there and let people know you exist! And the best way to do that is to network. “Networking and actually connecting with other people in your field can open up many new opportunities for career advancement. Not only should you network with people inside of your field but also network with people outside of your field. You never know what you may learn by networking with people of different occupations and trades.”

2. Say Goodbye to that comfort zone: By stepping outside of your comfort zone you’re giving yourself the chance to meet new people and land in new situations. Lifestyle writer Yiwen Cyrus from Lifehack wrote, “The aim is to create opportunities by stepping outside the comfort zone instead of waiting for them. Otherwise, your life will be nothing more than comfortable.”

3. Share what you’ve got: Are you an amazing writer? Then you better be producing articles or blog posts of some kind. Do you have an eye for style? Share your fashion tips with vlogs or tutorials. Are you amazing at graphic design? Share some of your coolest tips and tricks. The more information you put out there, the more people will recognize your name and think of you as an expert.When you give back others in the form of knowledge, you are also giving back to yourself by establishing yourself as an expert in the field.

4. Keep track of your accomplishments: The way to attract opportunities is to let people know you’re ready for those chances. You’ve had the experience, the training, and you’ll know how to knock it out of the park once it’s given to you. And how do you do that? Keep track of all your accomplishments and put them all on one spot, whether that’s an online portfolio, a blog, or online resume. The editors of self development site Mind Tools recommended, “If clients or colleagues give you compliments, write them down. If the compliment came in an email, print it. If you exceeded last quarter’s sales goals, get the paperwork that proves it.” Collect all your wins in one spot and people won’t have to go digging to find out if you’re worthy or not. Fast answers, fast offers.

5. Praise others: Want good vibes thrown your way? First send some out yourself. Everyone out there is looking for opportunities and recognition, so help contribute. Whether you loved someone’s article and tweeted your praise, were impressed with a project and emailed your love, or covered their genius in a blog post, building people up will make them take notice of you and possibly do the same back. Mind Tools offered, “If you have a colleague who works as hard as you, then praise the person…Be specific, and sincere, about what the person is doing.” You never know what that kind of love can bring you. Definitely nothing negative.

6. See what areas you can improve: The more developed, well-rounded, and newly-ambitious you are, the more opportunities you can nab. So to make sure you’re not stagnant or slowing down in your self-development, check in with your progress every month and see where you can bump up the energy. Cyrus offered, “The key is to do monthly or quarterly self reflection activities to evaluate your progress and analyze new areas requiring development. It is important to be systematic in your actions, as they will increase your chances in the long term to attract plenty of new opportunities.” Upwards and onwards!

7. Get yourself a Mentor: Not only will you have someone to learn off of, but you’ll have someone you’re close with that could vouch for your hard-working nature and your smarts. Mind Tools pointed out, “Mentors can offer valuable advice and career coaching. The chances are that the mentor has been through the same situations that you’re experiencing, and can help you navigate them successfully.” Also, if they’re your mentor chances are they’re higher up in the industry then you, and you never know what kind of people they can introduce you to or what kind of doors they can open. There are so many untapped opportunities waiting for you there.

So whether you put yourself out there via accomplishments, word of mouth, or compliments, getting outside of your comfort zone and making sure your name is part of industry conversations will help you land new opportunities.

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